About us

Each and every of universe

 is composed of five basic elements — which inhere the properties of earth , water , fire , Air and space . The subtlest is space and grossest is earth with every perceptive sense. The body structure is made up of five elements,

Yes our company also

W –  Water

E –  Earth

S –  Sky

F – Fire

A – Air

சுழன்றும்ஏர்ப் பின்னது உலகம் அதனால்
உழந்தும் உழவே தலை.குறள்




All three are essential for human beings, the most essential food for a human being. At present we are suffering from various diseases and seek hospitalization.

In ancient times our ancestors admired nature and lived on it.

Diseases occur faster than our science and technology.

The disappearance of our traditional eating habits is the cause of our weakened immune system. Agriculture is the main industry in our Indian country. The primary objective of our company is to provide naturally occurring crops as naturally as possible without chemical compounds.

Our small effort is to introduce this to the people as the solution to all these is the ancient diet and habits

And our goal is to have a good effort to increase their livelihoods as many local manufacturers buy and distribute their products.

With the resource of life and strength…..Team WESFA

Why choose us?​

Product from nature
Contact us

Natural Products and hand made

High quality products affordable price,

NO Compromise in quality and more
